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November 2016 Newsletter

Hi leaders in process, 


My name is Dana Aplin. I'm a junior majoring in Journalism, minor in Spanish, and pursuing a TEFL certificate. TiPS transfer leaders this Fall 2016 semester have been going to various workshops at UCF. Some of these workshops are for career management, oral/written/visual communication, work ethic, teamwork, problem solving, and leadership. Great thing is you can also be at these workshops with us! Not only our we going to these workshops, but we're also being trained on knowing our leadership styles, communication skills, marketing strategies, and more. 


Experience in the workshop I've attended:



Rolling eyes! Texting while someone is talking! These are micro-inequities which are negative and make people feel bad. 




















You look so professional today! Thank you so much for helping me! These are micro-affirmations which are positive and make people feel good.

























It matters how we make people feel. Yes, we've all have had some micro-inequities towards us or vice versa said some toward someone  else. We have to be cautious of what we say to each other and make sure we're encouraging, motivating, and helping each other. 

Let's all, including myself, try to compliment someone or everyone today because everyone needs some positive vibes everyday (SMILE)! #squadgoals


For more information please contact UCF Career Services.


Have a fabulous day, everyone! Please feel free to contact us because we're here to help you and make this transition professionally successful.






Watch this motivational video.

Personal Quote I identify with:


 "Make your life a masterpiece; imagine no limitations on what you can be, have or do." - Brian Tracy

Note to self: 


I'm constantly motivating myself and encouraging myself to be a better me. I know in life we strive for perfection which is great, but understand that you learn from your weaknesses. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Don't be ashamed to love the skin you're in. Be you no matter who you are. Everyone is different. Embrace your uniqueness. Constantly challenge yourself.


Food for thought:

Are you studying your craft everyday while you're a professional in training at UCF?


Comment below.


Have a great day, Knights!

Dana Aplin received your message.

Transferring into Professional Success (TiPS) is a new organization overseen by the Multicultural Academic& Support Services (MASS) and Transfer and Transition Services (TTS) offices on campus, designed with a series of training for a group of students to help build and sustain a professional identity upon graduation. â€‹


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