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Stay Classy with Social Media.

When an individual is employed, even the smallest detail on a “Facebook” post, “tweet”, or “snap” could cost them their job. If someone does not particularly enjoy their job but have no other means to receive income they tend to talk about their job. It is important for these individuals to remember that if they publicize their dislike they are putting themselves at risk of termination. Although the situation may not be ideal, it should never be made known to the public.

When you sign the contract to become an employee of a company you are representing it in a professional fashion. When a person posts pictures or updates their statuses, a good majority tend to not think twice about it. Little do people realize that whatever they put out for the world to see on the internet will stay there forever, no matter how many times it is deleted. Restaurants are a good example to explain this. When customers view photos of employees talking negatively about the menu items it sheds a negative light on the company. It also causes customers to question everything else about the business. This bad representation can lead to bad reviews and ultimately lower income.

The credibility of an individual diminishes each time they make these mistakes. Why would another company hire someone who has been previously known to make public negative statements about their place of employment via social media? If you’re not happy with your job it may be time for a change. It is easier to obtain a job when you have a good reputation. Social media has great advantages, but it’s also a double edged sword that can come with consequences if not handled carefully.

Transferring into Professional Success (TiPS) is a new organization overseen by the Multicultural Academic& Support Services (MASS) and Transfer and Transition Services (TTS) offices on campus, designed with a series of training for a group of students to help build and sustain a professional identity upon graduation. ​


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